Sam Segal

Full Stack Web Developer & Electronic Music Enthusiast

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I'm Sam Segal, a Full Stack Web Developer and fervent Electronic Music Enthusiast. I thrive at the intersection of technology and creativity. My journey has taken me from a Bachelor's degree in Geology to an accelerated course in Computer Science fundamentals, and this diverse background has shaped me into the passionate generalist I am today. My goals for the future are to work within a larger codebase where I can hone my skillset and learn new perspectives from skilled people!


A Fine Tuned ViT Based Image Classifier

Custom Trained Image Classifier to predict Petrologic XPL Cross Sections

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FM 2.5

FM sythesizer implemented in Rust with original DSP code

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Echo Chamber

A wild digital delay implemented in Rust featuring a squelchy phaser

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This Website!

A simple single page web portfolio, Checkout the source code for this site

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